- Description
- Highlited Features
- Commands
- Installation
- Download Link
Gameplay is simple, two teams, RED (Terrorists) and BLUE
(CTs), each having a flag near their base.
The goal of each team is to capture the enemy flag while
defending their own because in order to capture the enemy flag, you must bring
it to your base and your flag must be there.
Enemy flags are stolen and team flags are returned by a
simple touch.
Typical CTF gameplay... HOWEVER, it's got alot of features
to enhance and balance the gameplay.
Highlighted features:
- Respawn, spawn protection and a team balance system
- Adrenaline points that give players temporary benefits
when adrenaline reaches 100.
- Rewards (frags, adrenaline, money) for getting, capturing,
killing carrier and returning flags.
- Assist rewards for assisting teammates on flag capturing and
- Custom buy menu which allows all players to buy all
weapons, including C4 (plantable anywhere, kills everything in range).
- Free ammo ! You get full free ammo whenever you buy a gun
or you press the buy ammo keys.
- Killed enemies drop bonus items like medkits, adrenaline
shots and ammo boxes.
- Mod has an API, see the API section for more details.
- You can disable individual features!
- And more, discover them yourself!
NOTE: Reset cvars need to be set on map-based configs
(amxmodx/configs/maps/<mapname>.cfg) in order to be changed!
Mod cvars:
ctf_respawntime (reset to 10) - players respawn time
ctf_protection (reset to 5) - players spawn protection time
ctf_weaponstay (default 30) - how long do weapons and items
stay on ground
ctf_spawnmoney (default 1000) - money bonus when spawning
(unless it's a suicide)
ctf_infiniteround (default 1) - round doesn't end if all
players form one team die (requires FEATURE_ORPHEU) changing this restarts
ctf_flagheal (default 1) - toggles if flag bases heal
ctf_flagreturn (default 120) - flag auto-return time
ctf_flagendround (default 0) - if a flag is captured, round
is ended (requires FEATURE_ORPHEU)
ctf_flagcaptureslay (default 0) - if a flag is captured,
loosing team is slain (requires ctf_flagendround 1 OR FEATURE_ORPHEU false)
ctf_itempercent (default 30) - chance that items spawn when
a player is killed, 0-100
ctf_nospam_flash (default 20) - delay of rebuying two
flashbangs in a life
ctf_nospam_he (default 20) - delay of rebuying a HE grenade
in a life
ctf_nospam_smoke (default 20) - delay of rebuying a smoke
grenade in a life
ctf_spawn_prim (reset to "m3") - player's primary
spawn weapon - use "" to disable (see list of weapon names in sma)
ctf_spawn_sec (reset to "glock") - player's
secondary spawn weapon - use "" to disable (see list of weapon names
in sma)
ctf_spawn_knife (reset to 1) - toggles if player receives a
knife or not upon spawn
ctf_sound_taken (default 1) - toggles if the "flag
taken" sounds can be heard
ctf_sound_dropped (default 1) - toggles if the "flag
dropped" sounds can be heard
ctf_sound_returned (default 1) - toggles if the "flag
returned" sounds can be heard
ctf_sound_score (default 1) - toggles if the "X team
scores" sounds can be heard
ctf_dynamiclights (default 1) - set the default dynamic
lights setting, players will still be able to toggle individually using /lights
ctf_glows (default 1) - set if entities can glow, like when
players have flag or an adrenaline combo, weapons start to fade, etc.
Game cvars used by this mod:
mp_c4timer (recommended 20) - time before the C4 devices
mp_winlimit - when a team reaches this number of flag
captures the map ends
mp_timelimit - map time limit (displayed as round timer)
mp_startmoney (recommended 3000) - starting money AND
minimunm amount of money a player can have (unless it's a suicide)
mp_forcecamera - (0/1 - spectate enemies or not) mod fades
to black if this is on and player is in free look (no teammates alive)
mp_forcechasecam - (0/1/2 - force chase cammera
all/team/firstperson) same as above
mp_autoteambalance - enable/disable plugin's simple
auto-team balance (checks at every player death)
Advanced configuration
You can customize the mod even more, you can find settings
that I didn't made as CVars inside the source file (jctf.sma), there you can
edit serval stuff, like disabling individual features, changing default
settings for reset cvars, tweaking costs and rewards and many more.
Remember to re-compile and replace the compiled plugin in
your plugins folder after you make any modifications to the jctf.sma file.
Admin commands
ctf_return red/blue - return the specified flag if it was
dropped for at least 15 seconds (configurable)
Player commands
Can be used in: s = say, t = teamsay, c = console (note,
console commands don't have the / in front!)
(s) /lights - enables/disables dynamic flag lights for that
(s) /sounds 1-10 or test - sets the announcer volume, scale
from 1 to 10, or plays an announcer sound for testing the volume (the test
(s,t) /help - shows the help text in console - includes
server's mod settings of cvars and features
(s,t) /buy - shows the buy menu (not required, just use the
normal buy key, default B)
(s,t) /spawn - buy an instant spawn for 50 adrenaline
(s,t,c) /dropflag - drops the flag if you have it (WARNING:
you will lose all rewards got for getting the flag!)
(s,t,c) /adrenaline - adrenaline combo pick menu once you
got 100 adrenaline.
Flag placement
Once you load a map, both flags will spawn at the first
player's spawn point.
As an RCON access admin you can move the flag bases to more
suitable and ballanced places, you can do that using these commands in-game:
ctf_moveflag red/blue - move flag's base to your position,
works even if you're dead or spectating
ctf_save - saves the flag base positions (as
Optionally, you can also download the for
some flag positions made by me, extract in server's cstrike/maps folder.
link dead update