
Saturday, 27 July 2013

Jailbreak Extended (ExD) v16.0

Cvars (with their default values)

jbed_simonsteps  , 1 , Black dots made when simon walks
jbed_autogivecrowbar, 1, Should Crowbar be given randomly?
jbed_maxcrowbar ,  2 , Max no. of crowbars per round
jbed_teamratio ,  3 , team ratio b/w T and CT
jbed_doorattack ,  1 , should doors be opened by firing them ?
jbed_teamchange ,  0 , should T players be able to change to CT
jbed_boxmax ,  6, Min no. of players when box mode can be started
jbed_retrytime  , 20.0, Max time in secounds passed to select CT team
jbed_freedayround  , 240.0 , Freeday Round in secounds
jbed_autolastrequest  , 1 , automatic lr menu for the Last Prisoner
jbed_lastrequest  , 1 , LR enable /disable
jbed_motd  , 1 , modt file (html file)
jbed_spectrounds  , 4 , max no. of rounds for spectators before being kicked
jbed_randomsimon ,  0 , Random simon enable/disable
jbed_autoopen  , 1 , Auto Open cages after some time
jbed_blockvoice ,  2 , Block Voice , 0 :- all can use , 1:- only simon , 2:- only Cts
jbed_blockvoicedays  , 0 , Block Voice during Special Days enable/disable
jbed_buttonshoot  , 1 , Open gates by shooting its Button
jbed_start_coins ,  80 , Starting coins for newbies
jbed_points_kill  , 35 , Ct Kill Coins for prisoners
jbed_points_teamkill  , 25 , Teamkill Coins for Prisoners
jbed_shop_nadeprice  , 160 , Nade price
jbed_shop_flnadeprice ,  200 , Flash Grenade price
jbed_shop_pillsprice  , 270 , Pills Price
jbed_shop_nadepackprice ,  350 , Nade Pack Price
jbed_shop_gunprice ,  400 , Deagle Price
jbed_shop_crowbarprice ,  450 , Crowbar price
jbed_invisibleprice  , 600 , Invisibility Price
jbed_shop_camoprice ,  650 , Ct clothes price
jbed_shop_gunpackprice  , 750 , Gun pack price
jbed_enable_days ,  1 , Special Days Menu enable/disable
jbed_daysmenu_limit  , 3 , Days menu cooldown between rounds
jbed_voteday  , 1 , Enable/disable voting days
jbed_shop  , 1 , Enable/disable Prisoner shop
jbed_shove_force  , 40 , Shove force
jbed_shove_cooldown  , 5 , Cooldown time b/w shove
jbed_sleepmaxhp  , 130 , max hp after sleep For Prisoners only

Admin Commands

jbed_nomic <name> , Transfer <name> to Prisoner
jbed_open , Opens cages
jbed_box , Starts Box Mode
jbed_take_coins <name> <amount> , Takes coins (you must have ADMIN_KICK flag)
jbed_give_coins <target> <amount> , Give coins (you must have ADMIN_KICK flag)

Say Commands (work with "/" or without "/" )
"class", Guard's Class menu
 "bet", Betting Menu
"sleep", Sleep
"wakeup", Wakeup
"shoveon", Guards command to turn on shove
"shoveoff", Guards command to turn off shove
"daysmenu", Guards command for days menu
"menu", Guards Menu
"amenu", Admin Menu
"rules", Displays rules
"fd", Guards command to give fd
"freeday", Guards command to give fd
"lr", Prisoners command for lr menu
"simon", Guards command to become simon
"open", Guards command to open cages
"nomic", Guards command to go to T
"box", Guards command to turn box on
"shop", Prisoners Shop
"countdown",  Guards command to give countdown

"teamdivide",  Guards command to divide T into teams

How to Install: -
Simply copy the ctrike folder to your default HLDS folder and replace everything.

Please make me admin on your server so that i can check any bug.

Link to download:- (mediafire) (rapidgator)